Visit the Flylady website at FlyLady.net to checkout everything to do with Flylady.
What is Flylady?
Flylady is a cleaning program/schedule/lifestyle. I say it is a lifestyle because it really does change your life. I have embraced the Flylady program in my own home and I can feel the affects. I am less stressed about my house and cleaning because of my daily and weekly routines. I know when to clean what. I have caught up on all my “LOLs” load of laundry and do only one load a day or every other day now.
As a millennial, Flylady has really taught me, what you need to clean in terms of supplies; because you do not need elaborate machines or products, the only things I bought were dusting stick, dusting mitt and a shower squeegee; non of which use any electricity, only the power of coffee to get the job done!
How I found FlyLady
At first, I did not really think Flylady would work for me, but, I started watching “Diane in Denmark” on Youtube and I would just start out watching her clean. I did not even start cleaning until I was comfortable with what I knew I needed to do. Flylady Diane explains flylady in a very simple way and shows you how quick and easy it can be.
How I started?
I knew that I needed to create a morning and evening routine, and do not get me wrong they are still a working progress to this day, but with routines you can really establish a good schedule of daily chores that people always want to put-off like dishes, laundry, the toilet! You know, who wants to clean the toilet? Nobody! But with my morning routine, I clean my toilets every day giving it a quick swish and swipe with a little toilet cleaner and I can now say that my toilets will never be dirty again and that makes my life just a little bit happier.
I plan on making some Flylady videos about how I clean with the Flylady system and I hope you stay tuned to see how easy it can be.
Get up and do something, anything.
Live and let live. <3