Yes, I am also a big lover of Food.
Meaning, I struggled with my weight for a long time and it is still a working progress. I advocate for the Weight Watchers Freestyle program because for me, it was one of the only programs that let me learn how to eat; and eat real food.
How It Works
With WW Freestyle you eat fruit, veggies, chicken, eggs, carbs, chocolate… for real! The way they do it is with a point system setup for your weight, height, gender, and age. For example, I had 29 points to use daily with an additional bonus points here and there for cheat meals, or chips in my case. The points mainly count fats and carbs, meaning, that you can still eat that piece of pizza, but, control your portion size to the appropriate amount of say, one slice. Meals at a restaurant would be 15 -28 points, which is very high, but the whole point is to encourage eating at home. For one, you do not know what is going into your food at a restaurant and they could be cooking with butter or a lot of oils. That is what got me when starting out, I started eating at home more and making more of my own food.
In My Opinion
To be honest, at first I hated it. It took too much effort and time to make food at home because I was not planning my meals properly and I did not know what to make or what I could have. WW gives you good booklets with examples of different meals for each meal of the day. There is also the app that WW has that is amazing, where you can track your points, but they also have an Instagram of sorts to share meals you have made with the community. And, you can see what others are making too! Being a lover of posting my food all over the internet, that was the best part of the app for me! The app also lets you to sync with smart watches and pedometers to give you extra meal points when you do workouts.
WW Freestyle is a very well rounded program that definitely works for me. What I do for fitness is walking. I bought myself a treadmill when I moved because walking is what really helped kick off the WW program and keep the weight off. I don’t run! I will tell you that running is out of the question for me; but walking, I could walk for an hour if I had the time. But, I generally walk 20 mins in the mornings with an arm workout and 40 mins in the evening with a leg workout three to four times a week. When I first started, I would do it every day until I got to a place where I was happy with my weight. Currently, I do my workouts Monday thru Thursday and I give myself a three day weekend to do what I want. But, of course I don’t just do workouts at home, I also like to golf which is very good for the body, mind and soul. I encourage getting outside if you can, even in the winter.
Get Outside!
People were made to be close to nature, it is what keeps us mentally stable and happy. so, get out and do something: walking, biking, golfing, hiking, gardening, swimming, anything, there are so many things to do.
Live and let live.