Top 5 Basic Travel Tips

  1. Planning
  2. Pre-packing
  3. TSA Prep
  4. Food & Shopping
  5. Money
    **Bonus TIP** See Below


Planning – Before I go on any trip, I go to Google Maps Street View and map out my first route to get to where I am staying from the airport. This always helps my nerves when traveling because I know where I am going before hand. I also always check my travel documents, like my passport, to make sure it is up to date. I currently need to renew my passport because it expires in April. Do some research on your destination and make sure you don’t need a visa and if so you are able to plan accordingly. Same goes for vaccinations if needed, but that is not all; checking travel advisories or transportation strikes at the destination city is also very important. The last thing I do when planning, is make copies of my personal documents for someone at home and an additional for me to have in my luggage just in case someone does steal them.


Pre-packing – Packing, for some people, is easy and not so easy for others; that is why I always do a couple pre-packs before leaving and another pre-pack two days before leaving. I love packing! Not kidding! I love to pack for any trip and it really gets me excited to travel. Pre-packing is important because it can help you identify if you have any items like toiletries, makeup or containers to purchase in advance so you are not rushing the night before a trip picking up everything. The ultimate reason to pre-pack though, is to identify what clothing you don’t need to bring and what does not fit in your luggage. Every time I pack I end up packing half of what I thought I was going to bring. Two days before my trip, I am still taking things out of my luggage to lighten the load. You will be surprised at what you really don’t need to bring with you and how easy it is to mix and match clothing. Also, I tend to pack light clothing like leggings and mesh tops to lighten the weight because almost always I will be the one lugging my luggage around. And, I wear the heavier clothing on the plane like jeans, sneakers, sweaters/jackets, scarves, etc.

Travel Outfit Essentials:
leggings, jean jacket, & cross-body purse!
Peggy Porschen Belgravia, London UK


TSA Prep – Preparing to go through security is not on everyone’s checklist but it should be. If you prefer TSA pre-check I would advise you to do so if you want to skip the big lines or if you are a business traveler, which I am sure you would already know this trick. TSA pre-check can be done at Quest Diagnostics, Arcpoint Labs, or where they generally have blood tests or drug tests done in your area.

Click Here to apply and schedule your TSA pre-check.

TSA pre-check isn’t the only thing to prepare before getting in line for security. I would also suggest for everyone going through a TSA or security line at the airport to plan your outfit accordingly; it will make your security experience much easier. Pack in your hand luggage any jewelry, belts, watches, etc. that will speed up the security line process for you. Also, make sure you have socks on; I know weird tip but even I have caught myself not wearing socks through security and I will never make that mistake again, ew! I know, everyone should know this by now, but of course, you need to put your liquids in a quart size plastic ziplock bag. People, if you don’t do this by now I am assuming you have never been on an airplane before; and I am not judging, but if you have flown before, there are no excuses. That is why they make travel containers if your containers don’t fit in the ziplock bags. #de-pot your skincare.


Money – First off, money is different in other countries. If you are traveling abroad I would exchange what cash you would need at your bank because they have the best exchange rates. Hint, exchange only the cash you need to get to your destination. You can take money out of the bank when you get there, but there is a fee for most banks.

Which brings me to my second tip for money, let your bank know you will be traveling. If you leave on a trip and you do not tell your bank, you could be a victim of a blocked credit/debit card. Avoid the headache, and tell your bank you will be traveling. I have Chase Bank and I can easily go on the app where there is an option to inform them I will be traveling. Warning, I want to warn you that if you travel, and you haven’t every traveled before, other countries mainly deal in cash. Do not be surprised when you get into a taxi and they don’t take a credit/debit card. When carrying large amounts of cash use a money belt to prevent any pickpockets.

L.L. Bean

Money Belt


Food & Shopping – Food, I know, what could I possibly say about food. Well, food is different everywhere, of course, and I would advise you to not be afraid to try new foods; yes, an easy task, but there are some crazy foods out there. My second food tip is to avoid touristic areas and restaurants for food, unless you want to eat hangover food. There are so many amazing back street finds and traditional local cuisine in almost any town/city. Trying new foods and experiencing new cultures is why you travel in the first place! If all else fails, do some research on some local traditional restaurants so you are not arguing on where to eat and what looks good when you are surrounded by a tourist trap and #hangry; because trust me it happens!

Back Street Dinner at Saveur in Exmouth, England UK

If you are traveling on a budget for food, my go to is to have picnic lunches because they are generally when you get hangry and spend the most money on food in my opinion. If you plan a “bag lunch” and eat it in the park it is a generally cheaper and healthier alternative. You can purchase sandwiches and lunch items at a small market on the way to the park at the same cost. Picnics also give you time to relax from walking and gives time for kids to play while staying cool during the hottest time of the day.

Picnic lunch at Abbey Garden in Winchester England with my mom!

When shopping always keep your valuables close because that is where most of the pickpockets are. If you are carrying large amounts of cash, which I don’t advise, wear a money belt. If you are looking for sales when traveling try to travel during the summer if you can because that is when the most sales are, especially in Europe. Traveling costs in summer can be pricey though and if you can get a good deal on the off season to travel you can save more money on the cost of your trip than on full price shopping.


****Bonus Travel Tip**** – If you are traveling on a budget and are flexible with travel dates, type in to google “cheap flights to …destination city...” this will bring up a few top searches for the cheapest flights from major cities during off season and can be as low as $200 to Europe. Most of the time the flights are flying out of New York, Boston, Miami, etc. east coast hubs making it easy to book a flight from where you live to those major cities, significantly decreasing the cost of a plane ticket. Also if you are traveling to Europe on a budget, hostels are a common budget friendly accommodation that are generally clean, cheap and in a good central location. I know, hostels are known for being sketchy; but, they were not really like that in my experiences. I have had many great hostel and hostal experiences. Hostels are packed with many young travelers and you have an option to choose a bed in mixed or separate dorm rooms for girls and guys. Hostals are like Inns with private rooms at a lower rate. These kinds of accommodations are basic and generally have a shared bathroom; but, they are great for meeting people especially if you are a student or solo traveler.


Minack Theater at Porthcurno, England UK

“Money isn’t everything and saving a bunch of it won’t make you happier. You can buy almost everything you want with enough money, but you can’t buy back your youth.”
– Logan Herlihy

(Elite Daily – 6 Reasons Why Not Quitting your Job to Travel is a Waste of your Life)

Life is too short not to travel!

Live and let live!


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