Peace I Hope I Joy
I dedicate this year to Love, appreciation, luxury, family, health and success!
I want to love myself and my family more and more every day! No wallowing in self pity.
I want to appreciate everything that comes into my life; even the bad, because it is meant to be. I will not get lost in envy.
I want to build a life of luxury and enjoy every moment of my time in this beautiful world. I will not be afraid to like nice and beautiful things, #italian.
I want to talk to my family and support them every day, well almost. I will be happy I did in the future without fear of what others think of me.
I want to lead a healthy life: mentally, physically, emotionally, all the “llys”! I am 30 years old now and it is time to take my health seriously. I have had a lot of health problems this December 2020 and I will dedicate the rest of my life to being healthy in every way because, this is me!
Ultimately, I want to lead a positive, productive, enjoyable and successful life in and out of the workplace. I will make dedications to my work life and my work goals to achieve the utmost possible success, in my mind, for my future. Millionaire mentality! It is a lifestyle, not an end game; or an end to a means. Positive growth all around: with work-life and home-life; balancing your life is the key to success.

It’s spring/newyear cleaning in my house. I am working a little everyday to clean up and clean out all of the clutter and deep clean all areas of my house. I follow the flylady cleaning on a daily basis but I am not into zone cleaning yet which helps with clutter and deep cleaning. I will get there some day but my house is on the road to recovery with motivation and dedication this year. I have cleaned out my fridge! I am feeling better and less anxious already! It is time to get down to it and make a positive change for your mental health! Let’s do it!
#2021goals #2021newyearnewyou #2021 #2021dedication 2021resolution #goals #love #success #lifegoals #newyearnewyou
Live and Let Live!